Meet Bob

Author, Teacher, Musician, Activist
I am an author, a high school band director, a choir director, and a guitar teacher. I am a husband, a father, and a grandfather. I ran for Congress in 2016. Two out of three voters felt that I should keep on writing and being a teacher.
I write because it’s more socially acceptable than screaming. I write so people who feel isolated will know that they are not alone. I want to be a voice for people who don’t have a face.
From Microblogger to Blogger and beyond
The Facebook status. “I am not Trayvon Martin” was shared over 54,000 times on Facebook and even more around the Internet. It was named one of the Top 10 Commentaries on that case by the UK Guardian. I’ve written for Huffington Post, ADDitude Magazine, and other websites. My lifelong dream of being a footnote was fulfilled when I learned that my writing has been cited in at least two academic journals.

I'm just making this up as I go.
This blog and my books, like my life, are all works in progress. My opinions are subject to change at any moment. My commitment to social justice will not. Thank you for reading.